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Most dogs are wonderful 98% of the time, but also have triggers

Dogs with aggression, fear, or anxiety thrive with online zoom training! We work one-on-one in your living room reducing stress and rocking success.


Have you ever done an online search for a dog training video?

Have you searched YouTube or Google to try and diagnose your dog on your own?  Do you post on your social media asking questions about to handle certain behaviors? Do you do most of your learning from your computer?  I can help with all of those things in private lessons with you.

Whether you live locally or in another state, today’s technology makes it easy for me to be in your living room and you still get the same helpful dog training.

Often dogs who are fearful or behave aggressively actually do better with online dog training because it’s less stressful And decreasing stress is the first step in helping your dog learn effectively.  Read more about my Online Dog Training here.

In addition, dog training for aggressive or fearful dogs can be difficult to find and understand. But I am here to make your dog training experience easier and with less anxiety and fear of your own. It can be a really hard to parent a dog who has behavior issues, especially when dog training techniques differ so much.

Do any of these statements describe your dog?

  • Growls at, snaps at, or has bitten a person

  • Growls at, lunges at, snaps at, or has bitten another dog

  • Goes in to complete panic mode when someone comes to the front door

  • Reactive or highly excitable while on walks

  • Earns a wonderful report card at doggie daycare, but is aggressive towards dogs or people when you are on the other end of the leash

  • Shy or fearful of strangers 

  • Shy or fearful of friends and family even in your home

  • Aggressive towards dogs on or off leash

You and your dog are not alone!

The above list comprises some very common and normal behaviors for dogs.  And it’s normal for dogs to have multiple symptoms. Most dogs are wonderful 98% of the time, and do really well at home, but they can have certain triggers that increase their fear and anxiety.  The majority of aggressive behavior is due to anxiety and fear, and that’s what we will focus on to help your dog learn that things aren’t so scary. Aggression is not about being dominant- it’s about insecurity, anxiety, and fear.

My Behavior Wellness Program focuses on changing behavior from the inside out, and looking at emotions, environment, gut health, genetics, anything medical that might be causing the issue, and of course, learned behavior.  I work on decreasing underlying anxiety, building confidence, decreasing fear through desensitization and counter-conditioning, increasing impulse control when needed, building the bond with your dog, helping to increase trust without pressure to respond, increase problem solving, and creating a safe space for learning where your dog won’t be exposed to the trigger in such a way that will make his or her fear worse.

The first step is a Behavior Assessment (see below). Once you make that appointment, you can schedule follow-up lessons that coincide with the behavior plan I send you.  

I do not use shock, choke, or prong collars. I use confidence building techniques like lure-reward teaching (visual cues), along with food rewards and play, that are scientifically proven to change behavior positively and without stress. I focus on the emotions that are causing the behavior first, then changing your dog’s associations to their stressor. I do not use any fear-inducing methodologies and do not believe in doing anything that will increase the likelihood your dog will be more fearful or aggressive. I believe this process should be fun and stress-free, and at both yours and your dog’s pace.

Online Dog Training for Aggression, Fear, and Anxiety

$229 | Behavior Assessment

Start with the initial Behavior Assessment. It's the first Zoom session that everyone completes. Once we meet, then I can make a recommendation for how many sessions you'll need.  This also includes your initial treatment plan and homework. 75-90 minute lesson. Scroll down to book.

$149 | Online Dog Training Follow-Up Lesson

I recommend at least 3 lessons for dogs with a history of mild to moderate separation distress, mild fear of or shyness towards people, excitable or anxious barking, mild leash reactivity, jumping, pulling on the leash, issues with coming when called, or other mild behavior issues.  This is also a great program for new rescue dogs with a questionable history, but who need more confidence and help with acclimating to their new home.  One hour lesson.  Scroll down to book.

I recommend at least 4 lessons for dogs who have bitten a person or dog, who have attempted to bite a person or dog, moderate to severe aggression towards people and dogs, moderate to severe leash aggression, severe separation distress/anxiety, severe fear of people or dogs, history of abuse or neglect, or rescue dogs who are completely shut down and are having a really hard time.  


All payments are due at the time of booking in order to reserve your spot.

You can reserve multiple lessons to start if you'd like to pick dates that work with your schedule. Lessons should be scheduled about 2-3 weeks apart.

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