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Jasper: Dog's PTSD from Being Hit by a Car is Almost Non-Existent
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial Dog Training Success Story Testimonial We adopted Jasper from a shelter in 2016. Jasper had been...

Pippin: This Rescue Dog's Parents No Longer Worried How He Will Act in Public
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial Pip was always super clever and he learned new tricks in minutes. When he got to be around 9...

Bird: Fearful Tri-Pawd Dog Just Needed More Confidence
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial Hey Kari! I hope you’re having a happy holiday season and all is well with you! I just wanted to...

Charlotte: Terrified Dog Jumped Out of the Car on the Way Home
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial I am a volunteer dog walker at a local animal shelter and this past June I fell in love with...

Teton: Rescue Dog Went From Lunging at Dogs to Walking Nicely
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial A little while after adopting Teton, he started viciously barking at other dogs and lunging at...

Rio: Rescue Puppy had Fear-Based Aggression and Needed Confidence
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial Taking my 6 year old dog, Rio, to see Kari is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Rio is a...

Ryder: Nervous Shepherd Mix Comes Out Of His Shell
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial We have a Australian Shepard mix, Ryder, who has was having anxiety after we had moved. He was...

Jovi: Off Leash On Hikes He's Confident and Listening
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial Kari, I wanted to share with you since you wanted to be kept up on how Jovie is doing. I took her...

Dog Dominance Theory Debunked: What Does it Really Mean?
Dominance in dog training is a widely used concept, but it is highly misunderstood. Use of the term ‘dominance’ to describe willful,...

The Lost Art of Butt-Sniffing
Picture this: you are out for a walk on a sidewalk in your neighborhood. Your dog is sniffing, fixating on squirrels, doing her business...
Dog Training | Puppy Training | Dog Nutrition
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