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Ryder: Nervous Shepherd Mix Comes Out Of His Shell
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial We have a Australian Shepard mix, Ryder, who has was having anxiety after we had moved. He was...

Dog Training: Is Your Dog Stubborn or Just Unmotivated?
A few months ago I was at Home Depot, and walked by an end-cap with a display of shock collar training devices for dogs. One of them was...

Jovi: Off Leash On Hikes He's Confident and Listening
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial Kari, I wanted to share with you since you wanted to be kept up on how Jovie is doing. I took her...

Mavett: Rescue Dog Was Aggressive Towards Dogs But Sweet At Home
In July of 2013 I adopted Mavett (Like "Avett" with an "M") from a friend in Boulder who was not able to keep him. I had been searching...

Dog Training: Top 10 Tips to Modify Your Dog's Behavior
Top 10 Solutions to a Better Behaved Dog At some point, every dog owner faces a behavioral challenge with their dog, and most often, a...

Stokely: St. Bernard Mix Lunged at Everything and Everyone
Dog Training Success Story Testimonial It’s hard to put into words just how profound an effect Kari Bastyr of Wag & Train has had on my...

Dog Training: Why does My Dog Run Away when I Open the Front Door?
Last year, I met a wonderful client, Susan, who got a black lab puppy named Dorothy. Dorothy has grown up to be an ambassador of the...

Dog Dominance Theory Debunked: What Does it Really Mean?
Dominance in dog training is a widely used concept, but it is highly misunderstood. Use of the term ‘dominance’ to describe willful,...

Dog Training: Why is My Dog Scared of Everything? Understanding Genetically Fearful Reservation & Rescue Dogs
During the years I lived in Denver, and most recently since I've been back in Minneapolis, I have worked with countless dogs from rural...

Dog Training: Rescue Dog- The Ultimate Adoption Survival Guide
In the past several years, I’ve been able to work with many dogs who have been adopted from a shelter or breed rescue. While these dogs...
Dog Training | Puppy Training | Dog Nutrition
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