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Giorgi: Bernedoodle Puppy Learned a lot during Board & Train

Writer: Kari Bastyr, MS, CDBC, CPCNKari Bastyr, MS, CDBC, CPCN

Dog Training Success Story Testimonial

After 1 week Stay & Train program:

“Hi Kari- Giorgi is doing well! We are doing enrichment feeding,  and that usually takes him about 20 minutes to finish which is great! We are working on all the commands that you showed us daily, and he is definitely improving. Our Freedom Harness just got in today so we are excited to start using that on our walks. He has improved a lot on walks with having his nose to the ground sniffing everything, now he keeps his head up much more. (Still wants to say hi to every person we pass lol) Overall, the training has been such a great tool for us, and he has seen such great improvement!!” Kayci, and Nate: Minneapolis, MN

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